Friday 10 October 2008

Week One

This was our 1st session for Streaming Technology, where we were put into groups for our presentation. I was put in with Helen, Becky, and Jon. The topic we chose was the difference between podcasts, multicasts, and unicasts. We were be presenting our topic sometime in November.

The session today involved completing a task which involved converting a video (AVI FILE) to a high quality file, medium quality file, and low quality file. We had to compare the differences between the 2, and it definatly showed the difference in the quality. We then had to convert the AVI to a flash file, using some software, and this surprised the most, as this was amazing quality, and much better than the other media files.

From this session, I learnt that even though converting to a high quality windows media file, was good quality, converting it to a Flash file was much better and produced much better quality. If I was to convert a video file again, I would definatly consider converting it to a flash video file, as the file size is small, and the quality is brilliant.

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