Friday 31 October 2008

Week Three - Group 1 Presentation

This week, group presentations started. Group 1's presentation was on companies using streaming media to enhance business.
With presentations, I always find it hard to try and learn the information, if people are talking. If its presented the practical way, like this group did, I felt I learnt much better. The group made a streaming artefact showing how companies online are using streaming media to advertise, or entertain the audience.
Even though this artefact went on a long time, I learn alot about streaming media online. Before this presentation, I obviously knew there was streaming media online, but I didn't realise how much streaming media was used, and how the streaming media was used to aid the business.
Websites are much easier to produce than making a tv advert, or making a magazine, and a good example of this is NME magazine, where all the information is online, which is handy if you can't buy the magazine.
Streaming can be used in many ways, and one of the best of these ways, is live streaming, like the live 8 concert. People that could not access tv's could just watch the concert through their pc and internet.
The increasing content of streaming media on the internet and the increasing demand of it, means that more and more businesses will make the switch from paper to the internet, to help promote their product. As time goes on, more and more users will look on the internet, rather than go out shopping for information. Information will become much easier to find, and be suited for more people. As long as the information is displayed in a format everybody can access and view, then streaming media will become very big in the future.

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