Monday 3 November 2008

Door to Door Recycling Talk

The other week, a member from the council knocked on my door to talk to me about recycling, what you can recycle and what you can't. I told her about our group idea to make a short educating but entertaining film telling students how to recycle. She seemed really enthusiastic about it, and was intreiged whether we could get the film made by christmas, and they could use it in a 12 days of recycling event they had planned. It was looking doubtful that we would have it done, as we didn't want to start working on the film till after our presentation on the 14th November. She said that they could use it next year, if they go to freshers fayre, or at special student recycling talks, which of fantastic use for us, because it'd be a great achievement to get our work out there, and used by the council. This talk was very useful, and could earn us our way to get our work used by a professional business.

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