Tuesday 25 November 2008

Recycling Leaflets from Council

Leaflet One
This leaflet describes how to recycle garden waste. Although it is recycling, we are more focused on the Portsmouth Recycling Scheme, and although it is not mentioned on our video, we have managed to research it. Also there is little time to cover everything recycled on the video, but it maybe should have been said at the end, as to what cannot be recycled from your home. We decided not to use garden waste, as you can recycle garden waste no matter what you want, and we are more focused on home recycling collection. This leaflet would still be benefitial to the people of Portsmouth, as it says where to take the garden waste, and when the composting centre is open. We also did not decide to use it, as student houses don't usually involve taking care of the garden, since time at the houses are limited.

Leaflet Two
This leaflet was one of the most useful to us, because it describes the Pompey Recycling Scheme (the home delivery scheme) used to collect recycling from houses such as student houses. We used this leaflet, as well as the website, to find out just exactly what you can recycle from the house. This leaflet was also useful because it tells you where you can recycle other materials, such as furniture, fridges, electrical items, glass, books, and clothes. The only material useful to students would of course be glass, as glass is used all the time, for food and drink. This is why we have decided to include a scene in the video with where to take and recycle glass bottles and jars.
The other thing noticeable and very useful to us with this leaflet was the recycling facts at the bottom, as little things like these would help make our video quirky, in the style we wanted.

Leaflet Three
This leaflet described the process that happens after food and drink cans are recycled. This was interesting to know, as many people often wonder what happens after recycling has been collected. But since this was nothing to do with home collection, then the information was not needed for our video. What was useful about this leaflet though, was the little facts, which meant that they could be used on our video, to appear as quirky facts, and we would try turn these facts to make them funny and interesting.

Leaflet Four
This leaflet was similar to leaflet two, so didn't really benefit us in any major way, as it just describes what you can and can't recycle. It does mention other items that wern't mentioned in leaflet two, like not being able to recycle yoghurt pots. Since students will be eating yoghurts, this is essential information to them. The main good point about this leaflet is the quirky facts again, and this would be perfect for us to use. Since this leaflet is mostly based on tin cans, it describes facts about cans, which is useful, to students who want to recycle cans. We decided that we will not go into detail about each item recycled, but just mention them, and in that way, we hope that it will benefit students to an extent.

Leaflet Five
This leaflet we found pretty interesting because it described what kind of things you can and can't recycle at Christmas. Since Christmas was coming up, this would be great information for students. Although, there was no chance that we would be able to finish our work in time for Christmas, we had an idea to make a section on our website for Season Recycling. In this section, we could include this information, and students or people in Portsmouth will know what they can put in their recycling bins in the seasonal holidays. Although the seasonal items cannot be included in the home collection scheme, it is always good to know where to take these additional items, and this will be included on our website.

Leaflet Six
This is the other side of leaflet five, and again very useful for us in our Seasonal Recycling section on our website, as it will benefit students what to recycle in the seasonal holidays.

Leaflet Seven
This leaflet explains the importance of storing waste, and must follow the duty of care law to keep waste safe. I didn't really understand this leaflet, as I didn't know what the duty of care law is, but this could be useful to students, as they need to understand this law, and must abide by it. We wern't told about this law when we moved in, so it may be useful to make this point clear on our websites, as it is a pretty essential point to mention, as if the law is broken, then a fine will be charged.

These leaflets have been benefitial in some way to our artefact video and website, and we will use most of the information in the leaflets to inform students how to recycle, where, and when, so students can be aware of recycling, and know just what they can and can't recycle. Now the research has been done, we can now start on planning our video.

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