Friday 7 November 2008

Week Four - Group 2 Presentation

In this presentation, the group talked about codecs, what they are, and why to use them. I learnt quite a bit in this talk. I already knew about quality of video and audio, but I had never compared them until the group showed their video and audio examples of high quality video and audio compared to low quality video and audio. I never knew there was such a massive difference, buts its amazing to think there actually is a HUGE difference, and now know why codecs are used. Its because the greater the bitrate, the better the quality. The downside to this is that the file size is much bigger than that of low quality video/audio, but having a bigger filesize is worth it in the end, for the high quality that is produced.
I also learnt that Codecs are a mix of 2 words: compressor and decompressor, and coder and decoder. I had heard of codecs before but I didn't know they were used to encode and decode the digital data over the web.
This presentation has been useful to me, because i've learnt that when producing content on the Internet, to have something that looks or sounds good, you'll need a higher bitrate, producing much better quality.

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