Saturday 22 November 2008

Limitation Factors of our Streaming Artefact

The factors that limit streaming include:
Hosting costs
Importance of aesthetics
Purpose of media
Bandwidth of audience
Content of media

So applying this to our artefact:
The hosting costs will be provided for us by the University.

Aesthetics will depend on our website. We will be converting our video to high quality, medium quality and low quality, but hopefully we will be able to upload the high quality video to our website, even though this will take longer to stream. This and other versions will be available to download. I have learnt that the quality of a downloaded file is always higher, as it is not being streamed, and doesn't depend of bandwidth or Internet speed. People may prefer to download the file if it is taking too long to stream.

The video will only target students in Portsmouth, will require funding from the Council to advertise the site, and make it public, so the students of Portsmouth can find it easily. Possible funding could also come from the University, for them to advertise and make our video aware. Since the number of students coming to Portsmouth is now 19,000, that is alot of potential students who do not know about recycling.

A factor to consider would be internet speed/bandwidth of the audience. Because everybody might have different speeds/bandwidths, then it will affect everyone, but as long as students are patient and wait for the video to buffer, then it can be viewed by all. It is also proven that at night it is better to watch streaming content, as there is less users on the Internet to watch the media.

The content will only be aimed at students, no matter if they're interested in recycling or not. If they are interested in recycling, then this video will benefit them more, but even if students aren't, then it may gain the interest of those viewers. Hopefully the content of our video will be interesting enough for students not to get bored, but to be entertained and educated.

Regards to using what media player to use, I will need to research into the different types. There will be problems no matter what, so I will post a blog on this.

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