Monday 24 November 2008

Artefact Production - Stage One

Once we knew our topic of creating a video to teach the students of Portsmouth about the Portsmouth Recycling Scheme, then the next stage was to plan it.
To be able to get information for the video, we would need to ask the council for leaflets, etc. Helen nominated herself to be the person to email them. After a couple of days, we recieved an email back from the council saying:

Dear Helen

Subject: Recycling

Thank you for contacting the City Helpdesk at Portsmouth City Council.

I have put a selection of leaflets in the post to you today. You might wish to also look at our website which has a lot of information, I have provided the following link for you.

Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Customer Service Advisor HHS855
City Helpdesk

Within a week, Helen recieved the leaflets, and brought them to our first planning session, on Monday 24th November 2008. We benefited from these leaflets, because they contained information we did not know about the Portsmouth Recycling Scheme, and this would be brilliant information to use for our video. Even better, they contained quirky facts that would work well in our film. I will post a new blog describing and analysing these leaflets.

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