Wednesday 5 November 2008

Name/Logo of our streaming artefact

I originally had a couple of ideas. The main idea was: UPRS
University of Portsmouth Recycling Scheme. We decided it may not work, due to getting permission from the University, and is considered too much like Pompey Recycling Scheme.
After passing the idea round the group, we decided that UOP: Recycle It! would be the best title. As it still includes the University, and in the name, it gives a slogan of what we aim people to do...RECYCLE!

I came up with a design for the logo, and it involved combing three logo's in one. The City Council logo, the Portsmouth University logo, and the Recycling logo.This is what my design involved. My group members seemed to like this, but came to the thought of we would have to contact each company to ask permission to use their logo. Obviously the University would be pretty acceptable, but it was too complex for us to get permission from everyone. I left the task of choosing a logo up to Jon.

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