Friday 28 November 2008

Planning the video

Since we had the research from the leaflets, we can now plan the writing and filming of the video. This involved thinking of locations, actors, and of course writing the script. We decided that me and Jon will take on the role of this stage, and Becky and Helen will work on the website together. We will report back to each other, with each other's developments.
I originally had an idea to include two characters in the video, with one character as the presenter, and the 2nd character as a bad example of a student in Portsmouth. The bad example student would do everything wrong, and the presenter would tell him he's doing it wrong, and show him how to recycle and where to recycle. I created a script and sent this to Jon, Helen and Becky, to see what they thought of it, which they liked, but in the end we thought that sticking with one character may just be best, and we can still include all of the information I wrote in my script. I also created a storyboard, which I will scan in at a later date. The script can be downloaded here:
Planning the video, we decided on these options:

Quirky presenter

Student house (we will use Jon's house as it is closest to the Uni)
Bottle Bank (to show to recycle glass)

Recyclable and non recyclable materials, recyling bin, lab coat for presenter
Sound Old style music (1950's etc) to match the style of the video



Using editing software - hence it will be graphics

Camera Angles
Mostly long and medium camera shots, few close ups

A tripod will be used to keep the camera steady during filming

These may change in the future, but for now, we will base it using these decisions. Now the decisions were made, we could start writing the script to be used, using proper script software.

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