Monday 1 December 2008

Writing the script

On this monday, me and Jon met up, and went back to his house to write a script. Since we wanted to write a proper script set up professionally, we used professional script writing software, called Celtx, which we downloaded online from their website, for free. This allowed us to create a professionally written script, so we could easily follow it when it came to filming.
We used the leaflets given to us by the council, and part of my script to come up with the final script. Since we wanted the video to be slightly cheesy and funny as well, we decided to use Jon's housemate, Ed, as the presenter, as we knew he likes messing about and would make the perfect actor to play the role of our quirky presenter. Since Ed had a good sense of humour and thought of jokes, we got him to help us think of quirky, funny lines to add to our script, and this would make it better when coming to film, because he has written them out himself. We allowed Ed to think of how he'd like the character to be like, and we came up with the name of Dr Colm Beeny, a guy who is on his community service, being told to tell the students of Portsmouth how to recycle.
Ed knew how to use the script writing software, so taught me and Jon just how to create a script, and this benefited us, as we did not have to learn, and we could get on with writing the script as soon as possible. It took us a while to get to grips with the software but after practicing for a little, then we soon got the hang of it. It took a whole afternoon to write, but in the end, we agreed that it was an effective script, and we will now send the script to Helen and Becky to get their approval.
The script can be downloaded here:

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