Friday 21 November 2008

Week Six - Group Four

This group's discussion was about the relationship between file quality and size. Before now I'd realised that video or audio can be broadcast at different quality, and the higher the bitrate, the higher the quality. I learnt alot from this last week. This group developed on that, by saying that for higher quality media, it takes longer to buffer, and to stream, as the file size is bigger, meaning there is more to load. There were some things I was confused about, compressors, and pixels, but I did learn that lossless compression is useful because no matter how many times a file is compressed, it still remains the same quality. I learnt that there are quite a number of factors when discussing this subject, and when it comes to streaming our artefact, it has now made me think, how the media will be affected by the things I never thought of. I have learnt alot from this presentation, and will now help think of factors when streaming our artefact. I will post a blog considering the factors of this.

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