Saturday 10 January 2009

Becky and Helen's efforts

Since me and Jon were busy working on the video, Helen and Becky were concentrating on other things. Becky worked on the design and creation of the website. She brought in website designs/layouts ideas for the group to look at, and decide if we liked it. After we had chosen a design, she started work on producing an html version. When she had finished creating this, she showed the whole group, and asked for their approval. We all really liked it and was impressed with the colour scheme and how much had been put in towards the site. I was impressed because she seemed to do alot, and i didn't expect it. After testing the site out myself, I was happy that it was a fully functioning website, that exceeded my expectations. When the website was originally planned, I thought it was going to brief with little information, but seeing Becky's final piece, it had much more information, and I found it really useful.
Hel had created the PDF's, and the process had worked out the same, she had worked on designs, got them approved, created them, and got our approval. I was impressed with Hel's PDF's because my expectations were little as I thought it was going to be simple, and not much information, but when seeing them, there was much more than I expected, and they turned out to be more useful that I imagined.
Hel also designed the testing, which would happen on friday.

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