Thursday 8 January 2009

Export Settings

When it came to thinking what formats we would put on our websites for users to choose from, we thought back to the first lecture we had when we exported videos to different qualities.
We agreed that we should produce a high quality version of 1mb (which will be the default), a medium quality version of 512kb, and a low quality version of 256kb. This will users to choose a different version if the version they are trying to watch takes too long to stream. Obviously the quality will be reduced, but it will mean they get to watch the video.
We finally agreed on using Adobe Flash Player to stream our video, but would also provide other links to watch it in other players incase users didn't want to or didn't have flash player. We would provide a download link for Adobe Flash Player anyway. The other players we would provide would be Windows Media Player and Apple Quicktime Player, one for each computer user. If they didn't have Flash or didn't want it, they can access the right video quickly. This means we would not force users to have to use Adobe Flash Player, meaning there is a variety of choice.
By users viewing our video in Adobe Flash Player, even it means they have to download it, it is not as if they are not going to need Flash Player again, because many other websites are switching to Flash Player nowadays, and if it means they use Flash Player to watch our video, it means they can watch and view so many other videos etc on other sites, so it works out no matter what.

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