Friday 9 January 2009

Server Space

Because we are working on a specified University server given to us, we have been given alot of space to work with, and so can easily put alot of files on there, as alternate links etc. But if we were to host this site ourselves, we would need a large server to make our video as accessible as possible. This can add to the cost, meaning a sustainable site is expensive at the start but benefitial in the long run.
I have found that once you export an AVI or MOV the size of our video, the file size is usually massive, meaning space on a server is limited, although with the program of Sorenson Squeeze, which can compress the video into any specified format. This is useful for us, as you can also compress to a certain bitrate as well, creating our high, medium and low quality files. The size of the file after it has been 'Squeezed' or compressed is usually very low, meaning we do not have to worry about the space we have been given on the server.

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