Sunday 11 January 2009

Final Tasks

Since the video was nearly completed, a few tasks remained. These included creating a simple flash 'FACT' animation, and creating the list of all the recyclable and non recyclable materials to be displayed. The FACT animation was simple, as it included one animation of the word FACT to be zoomed in. This was to be placed after the real fact was read out by Dr Colm Beeny, and so the audience knew that this was a real fact, and not a fake that he had made up. I originally created a NOT FACT as well, but since it did not work, me and Jon decided just to write a simple disclaimer on screen when the false fact was told. This was exported in the same way as before and sent to Jon to add to the video.
The other task was to find an old image of paper and to write out the recyclable and non recyclable materials. To do this, we were told we wern't allowed to use any copyrighted images, so royalty free images had to be used instead. A simple google search produced a list of websites with free images I could download. After browsing through a few of these sites, I came across which has a wide collection of images to use. A search of 'paper' ended me up at a perfect image. This was good as it looked like an old style paper scrapbook that would work brilliantly with our film. It didn't matter with the colour so much, as a black and white effect would be added to the film, to create a 50's style. This image was imported into Flash, and rotated, where text would be added on top for each material. Once this was done, it was easily exported in flash as a JPG file. This was then imported to Photoshop to invert the colours so the effect of a black and white look was created. This was done simply, by clicking the Invert option in the Adjustments panel. The image was then saved again as a JPG file, and sent to Jon to add to the video.
All that was left to do was find music to go in the background of the video.

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