Friday 16 January 2009


Since me, Becky, and Jon were busy with other tasks, Helen had the responsibility of creating a testing questionnaire. This was a list of questions used for our class to answer based on our website and video. An online survey was also created as well, determining how many clicks it took to get to certain pages of the website.
This survey was carried out in the final class lesson, with other members of other groups in our class. The website and video was uploaded to the J drive we had been given to host our artefact.
The results proved that our website was very easy to navigate, and all of the expected results we wanted, were the actual results when tested.
The comments recieved were:


Video: music plays through right and speech on left side.

(This was because the University computers do not have speakers, so headphones had to be used. When testing it on a home computer, we found there were no problems)

video does not pop up if already clicked.

(This would not matter, as the video is already in a pop-up box)

Could not see that PDF was a button - did not realise the pick download button!

(Instructions were a bit small, and Becky would change this asap)

Accessibility link is rather small for people reading it.

(Again, Becky would change this for the final version)

Contacts page is hard to see big text, small text underneath.

(Becky would also ammend this page)

Like colour scheme and logo

(This agreed with my thoughts on the colour scheme, which meant the site was likeable.)

Love graphics on map

(This also agreed with how good Helen's PDF's were, and proved they were really useful)



Well laid out and clear. Maybe make accessibility options a little more obvious?

(As this was the same point with Lucas, it was agreed that Becky would sort out the accesibility options)

Video control - Fine. Might be nice to have video embedded in the site layout rather than open in a new window.

(Since embedding a video clashes with accesibility, we decided that it was not a problem to have the video in a pop-up, as it wasn't too much hassle.


This proved that overall our streaming artefact was a success, which was good news for us, as it meant we had a fully functioning website, and good looking video, which in future, we could always send to the Council, for them to use as advertising recycling in Portsmouth.

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