Saturday 17 January 2009

Video Size

When determining the size to use for our video, when uploaded to our website, many sizes can be used. The main decision to use the size we used, as because we wanted it a similar size to Youtube. Since Youtube is so popular with watching video, we all agreed it is a good size to display a video. The user can also make the video full screen if they wanted, as the video will be displayed in Windows Media Player, due to the fact we couldn't use Flash, as the server wouldn't support it.
Because we filmed the video using a widescreen mode on the camera, then we had to get the correct dimensions for the video to look right on screen. I also found that other websites use a similar video size to this as well. Sites like use a similar size screen size to youtube (a bit smaller), but the dimensions are nearly the same as Youtube. use slightly bigger dimensions for their videos, but again, these websites all use similar dimensions. If we play about with our dimensions around this average size of videos, then it will suit the users needs. Too small, the user cannot see the video, too big, the video may start to lose quality. We will experiment and see what size is best.

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